
Like small children you must have a very clean heart to accept, to absorb the beauty of peace that is within you and also the beauty of purity.  Without purity, you cannot enjoy anything. 1997, March 21, Delhi India


  You should get completely detached about everything and you will enjoy, just enjoy.  But in that also, one has to judge.  Are you really enjoying or are you just making a drama out of it?  Try to be sincere.  Purity is brought forth by sincerity.  If you are not …

One With The Whole

 This Spirit within you is one with the Whole, it keeps absolutely in harmony, unison, concord, with the Whole.  It is we, with our intelligence you may call it, or ego, or superego, whatever it is, we try to cheat it. It doesn’t like it, at all.  If you have …


People say divine is purity, divine is blissful, divine is compassion, divine is love.  It is described by many words, but I don’t think it can be described, it has to be experienced.  You can go on describing, writing books after books, stories after stories, poems after poems.  Divine is …