Connected To God

As in any machine, all the wires must be connected to the mains through one main wire.  In the same way, you all must be connected to God individually so that you all are connected among yourselves.  I have been saying this again and again and again because at the …


Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you. 1998 – May 10, Cabella, Italy


To say you must meditate, people think it’s a kind of a ritual or maybe a kind of a style of Sahaja Yoga.  No – meditation is for you to go deep down into yourself, to achieve all that your Sahasrara wants to give you.  To achieve that height of …

No More Ego

So in Sahasrara, you must know what powers are there.  There are one thousand powers, one thousand powers within you which are being enlightened.  If you can understand that, then you will understand what is the use of having ego because you have such a lot of powers within you, …

Truth is Love

Truth is in your sahasrara.  And when the truth comes in, you are surprised that truth is love and love is truth, pure love. 1994 – July 24, Cabella, Italy