
Everything is illusion, except for the Divine Love of God that is all-pervading which you can feel through your Spirit. 1981 – October 7, Houston, Texas


To know the reality is only possible if you’re connected with your spirit. 1983 – September 9, Rome, Italy


It is impossible for you to judge a person about his divinity unless and until the Kundalini reaches at least this part, which is the limbic area. You cannot make out whether a person is real or not, whether a guru is real or not. Because divinity cannot be perceived …


God is reflected in your heart as your Spirit, called as Atma.  Unless and until your attention reaches that Spirit, talking about it, doing anything about it, it’s absolutely useless. You have to be really born again.  It’s an actualization, which should take place.  It is not talking or doing …

Collective Being

The Spirit which is within you is a collective being and once you are awakened into the light of Spirit, you become a collective being.  That means, on your finger tips you can feel the centers of others also as you can feel yourself.  By knowing yourself you know the …


All the religions have deviated from its roots, and the main thing was that you must have your Realization, you must have your Spirit. Once you become the Spirit then you understand the religion. 1990 – June 3, Miami, USA

Absolute Truth

So absolute knowledge is only possible when you know the Absolute Truth and to have the Absolute Truth you have to go to the Absolute Being within you which is your Spirit. 1990 – Sept. 14, Hammersmith, UK


Spirit is like a mirror where you see yourself clearly and you start changing yourself. 1998 – July 12, Cabella, Italy

Beyond The Mind

I bow to all the seekers of truth. At the very outset, I’ve always said that truth is what it is. Without knowing the absolute truth, there cannot be peace on this earth, there cannot be satisfaction, there cannot be happiness and there cannot be joy. We do not know …