Judge Yourself

  Everyone has a right to judge oneself within.  Only through the ascent of your Kundalini you can judge yourself.  There’s no way out, by analysis, by criticism, by anything you cannot judge yourself, but through the awakening of the Kundalini you will know what’s wrong with you and how …

Last Ascent

Human beings are going in the wrong direction.  The right direction is to be in the center and watch for the Last Ascent.  And when the Kundalini rises She takes you through this gate of Christ, through Him alone it takes.  That’s why I said through Him everybody has to …


This mind is a myth created by you.  Is like a computer that you have created by your conditioning and your ego.  So you can be only in the past or in the future, you cannot be in the present.  The thoughts are coming from the past and the future. …


Without the Realization, without the ascent of the Kundalini, you are not in touch with reality, with the All-Pervading power. 1982 – September 28, Vienna, Austria

Collective Consciousness

After realization also, meditation means the same that you keep your Kundalini high up hanging there.  You are with the subtle collective consciousness, with the Universal all-pervading power of God’s love.  Once you are there, you are just hanged up into that blissfull state.  Then diseases don’t come to you, …

One With The Whole

 This Spirit within you is one with the Whole, it keeps absolutely in harmony, unison, concord, with the Whole.  It is we, with our intelligence you may call it, or ego, or superego, whatever it is, we try to cheat it. It doesn’t like it, at all.  If you have …

Thoughtlessly Aware

When the Kundalini crosses the Agnya, you become thoughtlessly aware.  Thoughtlessly aware means, you are aware but there is no thought.  You become silent. 1977 – February 22, Delhi, India