
You can watch your attention very clearly by seeing where your attention is going.  And then, controlling your attention, also, you can do.  Very simple.  To control your attention you have to just remove your attention from this to that.  Try to change your priorities, all this has to be …


Without the Realization, without the ascent of the Kundalini, you are not in touch with reality, with the All-Pervading power. 1982 – September 28, Vienna, Austria

Collective Consciousness

After realization also, meditation means the same that you keep your Kundalini high up hanging there.  You are with the subtle collective consciousness, with the Universal all-pervading power of God’s love.  Once you are there, you are just hanged up into that blissfull state.  Then diseases don’t come to you, …


When you get your realization, you start feeling the cool vibrations flowing from your hand.  And these cool vibrations are the indication that the Divine power has started flowing through you. 1979 – July 16, London, England

Enemy Of Liver

The worst enemy of liver is alcohol.  Absolutely it’s the worst enemy . I mean, if you want to die… best thing is go to a pub, take drinks and die.  It’s like buying your death. Like calling a bull,  Come and hit me. I will give you money.  It …

Innocence Is Eternal

This innocence never gets destroyed because it is eternal, but it may happen that it will get covered with some clouds by our mistakes that we commit.  But once you get your Realization, your innocence is re-established, manifests, and you become innocent. Your attention becomes innocent. 1994 – September 11, …


Before knowing the truth if you depend on your intelligence you can be misled completely.  Intelligence that is without the spiritual insight is your own ego, is not pure intelligence, it is just your ego, which says, “This is right”, “I say”, “I believe”, “I am like this” – that …