Connected To God

As in any machine, all the wires must be connected to the mains through one main wire.  In the same way, you all must be connected to God individually so that you all are connected among yourselves.  I have been saying this again and again and again because at the …


So our ego has to be seen.  It is to be watched in a witness state, how it works and how it tries to dissuade us from the right path of movement.  One has to be only careful on that point because that is the last centre which has to …


Only your ascent is important.  Once you ascend, everything is saved. 1985 – August 4, Brighton, UK

Thoughtlessly Aware

Once you are absolutely thoughtlessly aware, you are one with the Divine, so much so that the Divine takes over every activity, every moment of your life and looks after you and you feel completely secured, one with the Divine and enjoy the blessings of the Divine. 1998 – May …


Enlightenment of your brain means the limited capacity of your brain has to become unlimited in its capacity to realize God. 1984 – Feb. 29, Pandharpur, India

The Truth

The truth is that this Divine Power is compassion, is love.  This is the truth.  They say God is love and God is truth, so the equation has to be made that truth is love and love is truth.  But it is not a truth as you have for your …


Unless and until your Sahasrara is open, all the blessings of the Divine Power cannot come to you. 1998 – May 10, Cabella, Italy


To say you must meditate, people think it’s a kind of a ritual or maybe a kind of a style of Sahaja Yoga.  No – meditation is for you to go deep down into yourself, to achieve all that your Sahasrara wants to give you.  To achieve that height of …

Thoughtless Awareness

Thoughtless awareness is the first beautiful state you have to achieve.  That will give you peace and a witness state to enjoy the drama of life, to enjoy the different varieties of people, while you will be growing within yourself. 1994 – July 24, Cabella, Italy