
Now this patience is most joy giving.  Patience gives you the greatest joy.  When you are patient, you develop all your qualities.  I think in patience you blossom the best.  But patience is not be patient be patient.  Patience is also a kind of state within us.  With just this patience…you just watch and see.  Wherever you are, you are.  Now some people are worried that they must get into the bus.  Some people are worried they must reach back home.  Some people are worried they must get their food in time. According to them this is discipline.  This is not.  This is conditioning.  But what is the discipline is of patience in Sahaja Yoga, where you watch everything and you are patient.  If you are in the bus, you are there.  If you are standing on the road, you are there.  If you are walking on the road, you are there.

1988 – January 3, Ganapatipule, India