
You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is.  It’s not so important.  What is the most important thing is that you are loved. 2002 – March 23, Delhi, India


Now there’s a little breakthrough, little journey for us to have the new breakthrough, where you are going to be connected to that All Pervading Power of Divine Love. Without that, we have no meaning, we have no identity. 1993 – October 16, New York, USA

All Pervading Power

In every religion it is describe that there is the All Pervading Power of Divine Love.  We have never felt it in our human awareness.  We have reached up to a point of human awareness, but still in this evolutionary process, we have to move and break through has to …


As you are attached to someone you love, you should be attached to your Spirit. 1980 – December 1, London, England


If something has to spread collectively, then you have to understand that it has to be only love that is going to work it. 19991 – July 28, Italy


Everywhere you are sitting in meditation you are transmitting vibrations, do you know that?  At that time if you are thinking, say of your jobs and your other things which you have been thinking before, the transmission is poorer.  Think of love.  Think of the whole country, think of the …

For Love’s Sake

You have to create a world of people who love each other, for nothing.  Not for money, not for positions, not for beauty, not for sex.  Only for love’s sake, only because, you have been blessed by love. 1979 – Oct. 15, London, England


Sahaja Yoga is nothing but love, love, love.  How much you love others is the main point.  Despising, criticizing, is not good. 1979 – Oct. 15, London, England