Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. 1994 – March 14, Delhi, India
Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise. 1994 – March 14, Delhi, India
What is your Self? Self is nothing but joy. A joyous person is definitely a person who has got his Self expressing through his joy. Such a person is so joy-giving, so humorous, and never degrading anyone. 2002 – September 14, Cabella, Italy
You should be a pleasing personality. Instead of thinking about how you should be pleased, I don’t like this, I don’t do like that, instead of, what have I done to please others? 1994 – December 27, Ganapatipule, India
Like small children you must have a very clean heart to accept, to absorb the beauty of peace that is within you and also the beauty of purity. Without purity, you cannot enjoy anything. 1997, March 21, Delhi India
Love should have no fear. It should have just free love, without any fear, without any aggression; enjoy that pure love. 2001 – February 25, Pune India
Ego is the greatest hurdle for your ascent. You see that ego is at a place where you have to just cross to go to Sahasrara, and to break Sahasrara is very easy otherwise. But if there is ego, you are already lost in that ego. 2002 – May 5, …
You have to learn humility. First of all you have to be humble people. Unless and until you have a large heart you can never humble down. You have to be an extremely humble person. Humility doesn’t mean that you bow to a person who is dominating, it never means …
If you get frustrated and unhappy with yourself, then there is going to be a problem. You have to laugh at yourself and laugh at your mechanism that is out of gear. 1976 – March 30, Delhi, India
You have to establish your love. You should feel a hankering for others. Now the competition has to change, the style of competition among Sahaja Yogis. The competition should be how much you love. Who loves more ? Let there be a competition who obliges more, who shares more ? Who …