If the collectivity is not there, your Kundalini will never rise. 1995 – June 4, Cabella, Italy
If the collectivity is not there, your Kundalini will never rise. 1995 – June 4, Cabella, Italy
In thoughtless awareness nobody can touch you, that’s your fortress. 1984 – September 16, Italy
Wisdom is a thing that gives you, first of all, complete peace. If your wisdom is developed then you become very peaceful because whatever people may say, whatever they may do, whatever aggression they may do, whatever it is, you are peaceful. And you see the stupidity of the other …
Wisdom is not apparent outside. You can’t say somebody is wise by looking at that person, but in vibrations you will know that that person is extremely wise. He may speak, he may not speak. If he speaks he’ll speak about something so deep, so wise and so nice without …
Everybody must love and a pure love will change your lives. It will change the whole world. 2002 – March 23, Delhi, India
You may be very great, you might be very intelligent, you may be earning lots of money, whatever it is. It’s not so important. What is the most important thing is that you are loved. 2002 – March 23, Delhi, India
So when we start thinking of time and time and time, we have to understand that time is our slave. We are not slaves of the time. There are thousand and one stories I can tell you how, by delaying in a place, by getting late in a place, by …
Only in meditation you are in present and you grow in your spirituality. 1993 – March 21, Delhi, India
After realization also, meditation means the same that you keep your Kundalini high up hanging there. You are with the subtle collective consciousness, with the Universal all-pervading power of God’s love. Once you are there, you are just hanged up into that blissfull state. Then diseases don’t come to you, …