
I bow to all the seekers of truth.  At the very outset we have to understand that truth is what it is.  We cannot conceptualize it.  We cannot organize it and we cannot know it at human awareness.  If we had known that truth at human awareness there would have …


What’s the problem of this world?  The whole problem, you take it: there is no joy.  Simple as that, there’s no joy.  If they had joy, they would not have done all these nonsensical things, there’s no joy!  When you have joy you don’t want to fight, you don’t want …

Modern Man

Modern man cannot see the beauty, which is beyond economics.  He runs from places to places thinking that it has more economic value, but that value cannot give you joy. 1988 – May 21, Barcelona, Spain


Marriage is meant to give joy, is meant to give cheerfulness, happiness and all the blissful things that we can think of achieving through our combination with two human beings, we can say.  It’s a very close and private relationship which has to be respected.  It is not to be …


Reality is only possible if you are in the realm of joy. 2002 – September 14, Cabella, Italy

Pure Desire

It’s only the spiritual wealth that gives you that joy, for others and for yourself. So let us now decide to have our self knowledge, because this power of Kundalini is of pure desire.  All desires that you have are not pure.  Today you want to buy a car.  Once …

Joy Of Our Spirit

So far we have never known the joy of our spirit.  It is the spirit that enjoys itself, and when our attention becomes one with that spirit we also get that joy.  Normally we will say we are happy or we are unhappy.  I have met some people who told …


Spirit is the source of peace.  It is the source of joy.  It is not a duality of happiness and unhappiness, but singular joy. 1990 – October 16, Bucharest, Romania