Seek The Eternal

In all the scriptures there’s one common thing described, whether they have talked of the forms or the formless: that we have to seek the eternal and whatever is transitory is to be used with full understanding in its balance, and that’s why we are lost where we have lost …


  Awareness has to become Paramchaitanya.  Then you get all the ideas, everything, that are divine.  But not only that but also the help of the divine.  All the solutions of the divine.  It’s something amazing and everything quietens down, everything settles down, and you are amazed watching all this …


  What is important is that you should know reality. You should know exactly what is right and what is wrong. For that, as I told you, there is this great power of Kundalini within you.  She’s the one, she passes through all these centres, enlightens them first of all …


If you have knowledge, it has to pass the test of love. 1977 – March 21, Mumbai, India    


What are we seeking?  We are seeking our second birth, our transformation.  We have to have our inner knowledge, we have to know ourselves and we have to grow into it, this is the value of your life. 1993 – October 5, Toronto, Canada


People are lost because they have no knowledge.  Knowledge from the books is no knowledge.  Their knowledge must come from within, from within themselves and that has happened because of Sahasrara opening. 2004 – May 9, Cabella, Italy

Light Of The Spirit

In the light of the Spirit you start seeing, start seeing and understanding so well about all the problems that are in the whole world and your own problems also.  It’s not only Self knowledge but also global knowledge of a very subtle nature. 1998 – July 5, Royal Albert …


What are we seeking?  We are seeking our second birth, our transformation.  We have to have our inner knowledge, we have to know ourselves and we have to grow into it, this is the value of your life. 1993 – October 5, Toronto, Canada