
  Normally we will say we are happy or we are unhappy.  I have met some people who told Me, “Oh we went to that Guru we were very happy.” I said, “You could be happy in the pub also.  What is happiness?”  Happiness is not the way to judge …

Witness Of The Play

Sitting down here, you can feel the vibrations of any person.  The other day I said that Mozart was a born realized.  So they said, “How do we know?”  I said, “Just put your hands and think of Mozart”, and immediately tremendous vibrations start flowing.  When such realized souls play …

In The Center

The super-ego and ego represent your past and future.  A thought rises and falls off and another thought rises and falls off.  One is a past, one is a future.  Our mind jumps on the cusp of these thoughts.  We have to be in the center of these two thoughts, …

One With The Whole

 This Spirit within you is one with the Whole, it keeps absolutely in harmony, unison, concord, with the Whole.  It is we, with our intelligence you may call it, or ego, or superego, whatever it is, we try to cheat it. It doesn’t like it, at all.  If you have …